Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Podcast Six
Thursday, April 16, 2009
the catastrophe of complacency
I have found that as of late you are becoming more relaxed and, yes, even lazy in your duties at the restaurant. Anybody who knows you would most likely tell me that when it comes to work, you don’t like excuses; and its true, you really can’t stand them. And yet, I see that you are giving more and more of them to yourself and everyone else as the days of poor leadership and management at what could be a very, very good restaurant continue.
You work in an environment that breeds conformity to a very low set of standards. A very low set of standards that I try to break for myself and, more importantly, for you. For the longest time I have seen nothing but struggle in my kitchen. I am at a loss as to how in the world I can make things more manageable for my crew, but I have come to realize that, despite your abhorrent protests to management changes, procedures, and even product received, you are very content in staying right where you are. My wanting something cleaned more or more efficiently is always met with the ubiquitous rolling of the eyes, so common of a teenager being told that they need to clean their room before going to that movie. “Hey, lets keep the chatter down and focus our attention on making this food great” is countered by, “I’d rather keep my balls down and in your mouth.” I get it. Its good for a laugh. Hell, I even chuckle sometimes. But recently it occurs to me that I am starting to respond in the same way. And I can’t stand it. I hate to put the blame on my environment, but people really do take on the characteristics of those they hang out with–especially when they hang out with those people for 15 hours a day…
Is it really that shitty of an economy that you must be completely miserable where you work? I know that there might not be many cooking jobs out there and that cooking might be your only interest, but what about taking a job at the local butcher to learn how to better fabricate your meat since we can’t order primals anymore? What about going to the local salumi shop and learning the wonderful craft of charcuterie, since we are not able to “waste” any product on frivolous passings of time like education? Take a part-time at the bakery and learn what fresh bread looks, smells, and tastes like–learn how to make it! Work on a farm and find out what grows in summer and what tastes better in the fall. Like Gandhi said, “you must be the change you wish to see in the world.” Whether it is cleaning harder or faster, or reading more books, or staging, or moving to another fucking city to work under a better chef who can actually teach you something–who actually gives a shit about his employees–in order to succeed or to fail, first you have to actually try. You have to actually do something to fix your situation.
If you can’t find a way to fix your situation, or at least to try and make it better, then shut the fuck up about your so-called professionalism because your attitude is wearing very thin.
But know this: I am not just speaking from the heart, but to mine, as well...
Sunday, April 12, 2009
what's all the hype really for?
Friday, April 10, 2009
ratio and scale giveaway
Thursday, April 9, 2009
If the food comes out slow
It’s not always the kitchens fault...
There seems to be a lot of blogs lately about poor service and how to deal with it.
Andrew Knowilton posted recently with “5 tips for handling a Bad Waiter.”
I want to address one statement that was made. “The long wait for food is most likely the kitchens responsibility”....
Now don't get me wrong there are times when the kitchen is at fault and when I am running the line I take full responsibility for the error and or mistake and my Sous Chefs do the same. I only wish the the waiter (server ) would explain rather then play the blame game. (But if that were to happen it might result in a smaller tip. I feel that honesty is the best policy and who knows being honest might even enhance the tip) But just to assume and automatically find and place fault with the kitchen is just not fair.
There are so many things that can slow down your food coming out in a quick manner, Lets start with the server and their many mistakes on the ticket. How about they told us the wrong temp for the steak, or how about don’t put the mushrooms on that dish the person is allergic... of course this information gets to the kitchen just as the table is about to be plated, now we have to star over. Does that information get to the table... probably not and if it does the blame is placed on the kitchen.
Andrew brings up another point, but only in regards to getting drinks.. how about the “cute” (after all is that not the reason she was hired) little hostess who just triple sat about six servers and for some reason ALL the orders come to the kitchen at the EXCAT same time. (I know servers never hold tickets...) now the kitchen is buried (fucked) and they are doing everything they can to get themselves un-fucked. Because we know that when the kitchen is fucked it will definitely spill out into the table. And trust me ( someone who has spent a few nights fucked in the kitchen) I as well as the rest of the kitchen staff don’t want you the customer to be fucked. Yes the kitchen staff cares about your dinning experience.
You know most of the time all the cogs work together nicely and the whole experience is a pleasant one for all involved. But just remember in the rare times when it does not, the kitchen should not be the first place you look to as the cause of the problem.
Things to ponder:
- A line cook barely makes enough money to stock his/her fridge, but will have in their possession about $1000 dollars or more worth of knives..
- The average temperature on the grill station is about 120 degrees on a slow night...
- There is nothing more beautiful then a fully synced line on busy Saturday night...let the good times roll..
- Local and Organic is truly better...
- Water rationing can’t be a good thing...
- Wow over five hundred words...

Veal Stock....